

Offer ends on : 12th August, 2024

Reignite Deep Love & Emotional Connection With Your Husband, Even If He's Not Unwilling to Love You Again

Attend FREE BMC Masterclass to get my 6-Steps Proven Roadmap to design your dream marriage
(without the direct involvement of your husband)

Vipul N Gupta

Marriage Coach for Women

In just 5-10 minutes, find out how you can transform your marriage and hear inspiring success stories from some of our Super Magnetic Queens 👑.


Do you think that your relationship with your spouse is impossible to resolve because:

You've given all your efforts, but nothing seems to create a strong bond between you and your husband.

You don't feel deeply connected to your husband; your emotional bond feels shallow or even non-existent.

Trust has been broken early on, even before it had a chance to grow.

Every time you try to talk, it turns into an argument, and you find unresolved issues at the end.

Your spouse gives you the silent treatment and it makes you doubt your own value and worth.

You often feel disappointed because your hopes and desires are not being fulfilled in the way you had hoped for

He doesn't pay attention to what you're saying, instead, he loves to spend his time on his mobile, television or laptop.

No matter how hard you try, your husband consistently responds with negativity

You feel stuck and confused because the advice and opinions of your friends and relatives don't fit well with your marriage situation.

Imagine, if you can-

Find a proven way to rebuild a strong and meaningful connection with your husband.

Say goodbye to the harmful pattern of blaming, arguing, fighting, and feeling disappointed, and instead, build a loving and strong connection with your husband.

Enjoy valuable moments together instead of entering fight-or-flight mode.

Create a positive and nurturing environment in your home that benefits both your children and other family members

Bring new life to your relationship by deeply understanding each other true needs and wants.

Rediscover and reshape your relationship together, creating a fresh start and finding new ways to connect with each other.

Discover who you truly are, boost your self-esteem and become the best version of yourself.

Boost your confidence, love yourself, recognize your worth, and develop a strong and positive belief in yourself and your abilities.

If It Still Seems Impossible To You, Take A Look At How Our Community's Queens Transformed Their Miserable Marriage Into Their Dream Marriage.

What You will Learn ?

Understand the science behind emotional detachment and separation

Discover the reasons behind the low satisfaction rate among women in marriages.

Identify 3 common mistakes that unintentionally sabotage your efforts to strengthen your connection with your husband.

Uncover a proven six-step roadmap to build a blissful marriage filled with love and laughter.

Discover a simple and effective plan with six steps to create a happy and joyful marriage full of love and laughter.

Learn effective strategies to create a strong connection with your husband, even without his direct involvement, and transform your marriage

Pattern Shifting

Once You Learn What These Destructive Patterns Are, You Learn to Disrupt These Patterns

Self Care

You will learn the 7 Steps To Taking Care Of Self to create a Great Marriage.

Pattern Awareness

Become Aware Of The Four Patterns That Destroy A Marriage

Who is This Masterclass For ?

Married women who are tired of constant conflicts, disagreements, daily fights and arguments.

Women experiencing silence and emotional distance in their relationships and feeling like mere roommates

Women who are thinking about separating as a possible solution.

For those who want to give their marriage one last chance to grow and succeed

Who is This Masterclass Not For ?

Women who believe that their relationship will never succeed no matter how hard they try.

Women who are unwilling to take any action and simply depend on fate to change

Women who hold the belief that their spouse needs fixing without considering their own role in the relationship.

Why Marriage Makeover Workshop ?

Imagine your marriage as a journey on an aeroplane. Both you and your partner are the pilots, and your family members are the passengers on board. However, here’s the catch: neither of you has received proper pilot training, and when things go wrong, you end up blaming each other.

In a similar way, we often enter into marriages without understanding how to effectively resolve conflicts or fulfil each other’s emotional needs. It’s like trying to fly an aeroplane without the necessary skills. As a result, conflicts arise, and we can feel lost and confused, sometimes even considering separation as a solution.

But You can relax! The Blissful Marriage Creation Program is here to guide you. It provides a proven roadmap to help you navigate conflicts, bridge emotional gaps, and understand each other better. With this knowledge, you can create the dream marriage you’ve always wanted. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey together?

The cost of not taking an action

Not taking action against constant fights at home can harm your health.

Unresolved unrest in the household can negatively affect your child's well-being and steal their happiness during childhood.

If you don't address and resolve issues within your marriage, it may completely fall apart, leaving you feeling isolated and unhappy.

Neglecting relationship issues can lower your self-esteem and make you feel powerless.

Neglecting the fear of losing your husband can result in future feelings of loneliness and regret.

Not considering the possibility of divorce can cause emotional pain for your children and extended family.

Reserve a seat before 12th August, 2024 to unlock Bonuses Worth ₹10,997

But wait! Who is Vipul ?

Vipul N Gupta

Marriage Coach for Women

In the past 3 years, I have been helping women in India by providing them with a proven roadmap to create their dream marriage.

Why I am supporting only women?

Because I believe that women have the power and abilities to turn a house into a sweet home.

It is said: ek aadmi rahne ke liye makan banata hai, lekin ek aurat usko ghar bananti hai.

Believe me, you are married to an awesome husband but, you are feeling stuck unless you got a proven GPS towards your dream marriage.


I was one like you who faced the rough phase in my marriage and always sit on the fence of confusion about what to do now. I did not surrender myself to my fate, I recognise my power and discover a proven roadmap which bring back love, laughter and deep intimacy in my marriage.

If you want to know my love story, I invite you to join this free masterclass.

I am inspired by one of my mentors who always says:

If you help the world selflessly, the whole universe will support you endlessly.

I got inspiration and started coaching hundreds of amazing women.

Today, I am on a MISSION To empower 1,00,000 women to create and live a blissful married life. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to design your dream marriage and live your life with love and laughter.

Awards & Honours

Oh, did We tell you about these BONUSES?

When you enroll in our workshop, you also get

Bonuses Worth ₹10,997/-

Community Access:

Exclusive Access to the BMC Queen Community

Marriage Status Checklist:

assess the status of your marriage

Love and Attention Marriage Mantras:

Powerful insights and practices to reignite love and strengthen the bond in your marriage.

Are You Still Thinking !!

Frequently Asked Questions

The workshop will be conducted using a combination of Hindi and English, which is commonly known as “Hinglish.”

Yes, the session will be conducted entirely in real-time, providing a live experience for all participants.

No, this workshop will not have any recordings or replays available. It will be a live session only, so it is recommended to attend and participate during the scheduled time.

The bonuses will be provided to you at the end of the masterclass.

Take control of your life and don’t let your husband’s decision hold you back from transforming your marriage. Whether or not he joins the Marriage Makeover Workshop, it will not only benefit you but also inspire your partner to do the same. So, seize this opportunity to make a positive change and create the loving, fulfilling marriage you deserve.

To fully engage in the sessions, it is important to come up with a ready-to-learn mindset. Additionally, it would be helpful to bring a pen and notebook to take notes during the workshop. It’s also a good idea to have a water bottle with you in case you feel thirsty and want to stay hydrated throughout the sessions.

Yes, you should definitely join the masterclass. It will provide valuable insights and guidance on reconnecting with your partner, even if you’re not living together. The workshop offers strategies to strengthen your relationship and bridge the distance between you. You’ll gain clarity and discover effective ways to build a stronger connection, regardless of your living situation.

This masterclass is specifically designed for women, empowering them to create their dream marriage without the direct involvement of their husbands. If you wish, you can encourage your husband to join as well.

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Offer ends on : 12th August, 2024

Register for the Masterclass