Super Queens - Success Stories

Discover the amazing stories of women who turned tough marriages into dream ones. Their experiences show the strength, progress, and joy that come from working on themselves and building lasting, fulfilling relationships. If they can make their marriage dreams come true, so can you. Let their stories inspire and guide you on your journey to personal growth and meaningful relationships.

Super Queens - Success Stories

Super Queens - Success Stories

Sujanta left her husband’s home and returned back to India, but after joining the program, within a month, she started getting responses from her husband and now he’s returning to India and taking her back with him!

Shweta’s marital life was miserable without any connection with her husband, but now their connection has been built very strong and there's a lot of love between them!

Shalu says that she and her husband used to fight like enemies, but now their communication gap has been filled and they enjoy each other’s company!

After pregnancy, Pankhuri and her Husband’s connection was lost, but after completing the Blissful Marriage Creation program, She is enjoying with her husband and received a beautiful surprise date from her husband!

Look how they spent a beautiful time together!

She felt her marriage life was just to fulfill house responsibilities, she was so tired and frustrated of her marital life, but after joining BMC her husband has started helping her in house chores, she has built connection with mother in law and physical intimacy has started between her and her husband.

There was a lack of connection between Nahid and her husband, even very low communication,but now they have built a stronger bond where they listen to each other and there’s a lot of understanding between them.

Ritu’s marriage was going through silent divorce, but after working on her marriage with help of Blissful marriage creation program, they interact, eat together and don't hide his emotions.

Poonam felt unsupported in her marriage, but now her husband spends quality time with her, makes her feel special and shows his love like he never did!

Look how happy our Queen is after her husband posted a picture with her on social media, even after there was a lot of disagreement between them..

Shagun is very happy as she celebrated her wedding anniversary with her Husband and went on a long drive and enjoyed the best time together!

So happy to see such a realization in my Queens, now they can transform their marriage!

Shalu’s husband never used to take a stand for her, but now when he does, look how happy She is!

Very very grateful to receive such love and respect from my Queens!

Even after her husband was very occupied with work, he still put a picture with our Queen in his whatsapp status and that made her day

Prapti's husband had an extra marital affair, but after joining Blissful Marriage Creation Program, his extra marital affair has terminated and Prapti went on a beautiful trip with her husband and they are growing stronger again!

Surekha's marriage was on the brink of collapse but now she says that her marriage has been reborn!

Check out how Shubhangi turned her marriage from divorce into full of love and laughter.

Chanda's emotional, mental, physical connections were lost. Now she can see her Husband's concern for him and their love is growing!

Garima used to get angry and anxious but now she is calm and relaxed and more confident about her Marriage!

Goutami was in extreme frustration and couldn't decide whether to continue her Marriage or not, but now after 20 years of Marriage, she has created her Dream Marriage!

Bharti was suffering from depression due to her marital issues, and now she says that "I'm a Queen who is receiving more and more love from her King day by day."

Our Queen implemented what was taught to her during the program and resolved a huge fight with her Husband, and they celebrated their anniversary with love and romance like a beautiful romantic movie!

Her husband was constantly complaining about her unwanted behavior, but just after two weeks of joining Blissful Marriage Creation Community her husband took her to the surprise Goa trip.

There was no love connection and trust between Heli and her husband, but now their relationship has improved, trust has built and her husband has started staying more at home as he enjoys her company

Namita and her husband were staying in the same house but emotionally and physically separated, but now their relationship is full of love and laughter as they go on dates and enjoy each other’s company!

Priyanka felt her marital life was becoming boring day by day, her husband had severe anger issues but now her husband is trying hard to get transfer to live with her, and he tells Priyanka that he misses her very much!

Her Husband had never danced before, but after the program when they went to a family function, she just asked and he agreed to dance with her. Have a look at how happy our Queen is after these positive results.

She was so happy with the things she had to beg from her husband, she was getting without even asking as after 6 years of marriage, her husband kissed and hugged her! .

Our Super Queen Ishita conquered an extramarital affair by joining Blissful Marriage Creation Program, and now her Husband has started showing affection towards her.

Oindrilla and husband were going through mental and physical separation,but now she is so grateful to God that she came to know about our Program, which guided her towards the Marital Bliss!

They were living in a separate country and were not talking to each other, but now after completing the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, now they are talking to each other, and she has changed her mindset in a positive direction like a Queen!

Her husband had an extra marital affair, but now they are talking, sharing time and things with each other and she's so positive about her Marriage!

Her husband used to disrespect her and her family but after successfully completing the program, her husband has started respecting and spending time with her.

After Priyanka realized her mistakes and worked on them through the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, now her husband made tea for her when she came from the office which made her feel so good!

These small positive results bring a great change in a Marriage! 🙂

Just give 2 months to your Marriage, and see how transformation will begin!

“My marriage was a curse for me” - Said Anchal before joining the program, but now her relationship has been better with her Husband, with zero argument and now both are in a very loving Marriage!

Check out how our Queen was totally hopeless about her Marriage and used to blame her husband constantly, but now she has realized her mistakes and is very hopeful about her Marriage.

Just after a week of joining the program, Khushboo has started to be happy and now her Mindset is totally changed.

Her marriage life was on the verge of getting over but after completing the program, she and her Husband are now talking more with each other and he doesn't run away if she confesses her feelings.

Our Queen realized a lot of mistakes she was making in her Marriage, after she joined the program as before she had a lot of confusions and doubts.

Check out how beautifully our Queen has regained her artistic skills after working on herself and her Marriage!

Surekha's husband surprised her on their anniversary with a beautiful rose and chocolates!

Shagun's husband said I love you to her after they were on verge of divorce..

Preeti and her husband were hiring lawyers for divorce, they were in a room mate relationship, but she says that it's the first time in 17 years that there has been no conflicts, no misunderstanding but better communication with her husband.

There are no fight loops in their marriage now, and her Husband is sharing his views and things.

Vasundhara and Husband were living in the same house but without any connection, but now she and her Husband are talking and building a stronger connection.

Her marriage was like a battlefield but after joining Blissful Marriage Creation Program, she and her husband are mentally and emotionally connected and she succeeded to create her "Dream Marriage"!

Ego conflicts, immaturity and lack of communication was there in Neha's marriage, but now she has understood her Husband's point of view and is able to see many positive changes in her Marital life!

No care and intimacy was there in our Queen’s relationship, but now their relationship has improved, and her Husband is giving more attention and time to Her.

Check out what Dipika’s Husband gifted her when she started to work for her Marriage with the help of Blissful Marriage Creation Program.

Now our Queen is not stuck in a loop and her husband has started discussing things with her!

Dipika is now receiving the precious time of her husband along with some beautiful gifts!

Just after a single session, our Queen Neha got the hope from her Marriage and her blind trust in the program made her win from all the problems of her Marital life, now they both are growing together!

Third-person involvement was there, but now after completing her journey with the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, she and her husband had built a very strong connection!

Our Queen realized how just small efforts from her side lead to the beautiful changes from her Husband!

Our Queen was pregnant at the time when her marital crisis was at its peak, now she and her husband are living happily with their in-laws and love each other like never before.

Priyanka’s Marital life was full of ups and downs but now she has understood how to control her triggers, and due to her changes, now her Husband has also changed his behavior and both are becoming more acceptable to each other’s views.

Surekha was living separate from her husband, but after joining the program, her husband called her and came to pick her up and took her to his home, and again they are Living Happily!

There was no understanding between Monika and her Husband, but after completing the program, she and her Husband are living very happily which has changed their house atmosphere into a Happy place!

Just after a few days of enrolling in the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, Sujanta's husband called her and came to India all over from Dubai to surprise her and took her to a surprise trip to Goa!

"We were deciding the properties and jewelry to share and get separated, but now we are closer and gradually moving towards a meaningful Marriage" - says our Queen after joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program.

3rd party involvement was there in her marriage which made her marriage miserable, but after working on her Marriage, she can see changes in herself as well as her husband and now they are planning a 15 day trip together to spend quality time.

Her marital life was so miserable but now it has transformed into a relationship full of understanding and meaningful communication and feelings.

She was struggling in a miserable marriage, no emotional connection with Husband, but now her husband's ego is going down day by day and they are living a very Happy Life!

Rachna’s marital life was so painful before joining the program, but now better and positive changes are on the way!

Her husband never used to live at her mother's place for so long, but this time he stayed and talked very nicely to everyone, which made her very Happy and Thankful!

Just after a few weeks joining the program, Poonam can see a change in her husband who used to get angry while going out of home but now smiles at her and then leaves!

Goutami's dream came true after she and her Husband spent a beautiful time together in Puri, she says- "Now except God, no one can separate us."

Soniya was admitted in hospital before joining the program but her Husband didn't come to meet her but after joining the program, now she was just a little sick and her husband started texting her out of care!

She used to wonder why they were together, but after joining Blissful Marriage Creation Program she understood her Marriage better and her point of view towards her husband changed totally.

No care and intimacy was there in her marriage, after completing the program her husband is giving more attention to her and also spends quality time with our Queen.

Her marriage life was hell before joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program. Even an extra marital affair was there but now they are talking and sharing things with each other!

Just a few days after joining Blissful marriage creation program, she realized her mistakes and started being calm and her mother has also realized that.

She was depressed due to the daily fights with her Husband, but now they are spending Quality time with each other and can see the transformation in her Marriage!

They were like roommates with no love, care or respect but now her husband has started taking care of her and wants to spend time with Her!

She used to wonder why they were together, but after joining Blissful Marriage Creation Program she understood her Marriage better and her point of view towards her husband changed totally.

"It was total chaos in my Marriage, but after joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, I got wonderful results. We are having much better time together and moving towards Marital Bliss! " - Say's our Super Queen Ourabi.

Shobhita is very grateful to Vipul Mam as she realizes that a lot of things were wrong from her end but now the conversation between her and her husband is improving and no longer big wild fights.

Richa used to think that her marriage was her biggest mistake, but now she has built a connection with her husband as well as inlaws.

There were a lot of fights and misunderstandings and now everything has changed upside down as less fights are there and our Queen is working on her marriage as well as prioritizing herself also!

Her married life was hell, she and her Husband were staying like neighbors in the same house, but after joining a blissful marriage creation program, they started talking and intimacy has also started between them!

Neha says her relationship was toxic before joining the program, but now there are many changes in her Marital Life.

From very little communication to taking care of each other, Our Queen came a long way with the help of Blissful Marriage Creation Program!

Our Queen has found a lot of changes in her marriage after joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program!

Sonia went on a beautiful date after they were on the verge of separation, now they are starting fresh and love is growing day by day!

There were a lot of fights and misunderstandings and now everything has changed upside down as less fights are there and our Queen is working on her marriage as well as prioritizing herself also!

Our Queen has found a lot of changes in her marriage after joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program!

Sonia went on a beautiful date after they were on the verge of separation, now they are starting fresh and love is growing day by day!

Just a few days in the program, and they have started to spend Quality time together, and also her husband helps her in house chores.

Her marital life was almost over and now after completing Blissful Marriage Creation Program, communication has started between them.

As after joining the Blissful Marriage Creation Program, Our Queen has realized the importance of her husband and is appreciating the way he compliments her!

Her marital life was almost over and now after completing Blissful Marriage Creation Program, communication has started between them.

The extra marital affair of her husband has ended and now our Action taker Queen Ranji has won her battle from a miserable marriage to creating a Blissful Marriage!

They are again starting their relationship from the courtship period and going on a date for a new and fresh start.

“Time is the most precious gift !” Check out how our Queen is so happy as she gets her Husband’s quality time on their wedding anniversary.

Rachna’s marital life was very painful but now she can feel the change in her marriage from her husband’s side..

There was a silent war between them, but now she knows how to handle situations differently and is very hopeful about her Marriage.

After 6 years of roommate relationship, now their communication has improved and she can see a lot of other improvements in her Marriage!

Check out how happy our Queen Pankhuri is after her husband surprised her first time after their Marriage!

Chanda's husband, who stopped eating food at home has now started to eat at home again..Look how cheerful our Queen Chanda is!!

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